Monday, June 1, 2015

The Minor Arcana Tarot Cards; The Suit of Pentacles Meaning.


 1. Ace of pentacles = the seed of success. A better job. Financial change (in positive sense). Material comfort. Sudden profit. A sign of good fortune. New opportunity in the area of career, money, health or practical matters. New luck. New prosperity. Improved status. Fresh start. (Financial) rewards.

2. Two of pentacles = need to balance many skills or between two things. Keeping the balance between work and family/private life. Multitasking. Too many responsibilities or jobs to handle. Need to have priority and time management. Adaptability. Sudden changes that rock your life’s balances. Need to be careful in handling your task/project/business. Reckless. Get drunk. Financial problems/balance. Overworking with a little result.

3. Three of pentacles = partnership. Cooperation with some partners having different skills. Need to find the investor for your business. Teamwork. A small increase in material things. A little success, reward or accomplishment. Initial fulfillment. Possible increase in salary. Advancement of skills. Promotion from apprentice to employee. Good planning. Need to maintain high professionalism in work. Need to increase the quality of your business with creativity. Need to master your crafts for advancement in business.

4. Four of pentacles = financial security (having enough money). Fear of losing material things. Insecurity. Greed. Stingy. Monetary problems will be solved. Focus on money. Too afraid to spend money, to share it or to invest it. Establishing the foundation to secure wealth. Investment time. Time to relax and not just focus on material things. It’s about possession or being possessive with material things. Control and security. Hoarding. Isolation from the community. Snob person. Judging other person from their material possession.

5. Five of pentacles = material problems or worries. Minor financial loss. Afraid of poverty or unemployment. Frustration. Deprived. Rejection. Job loss. Hard time related to money. Bad luck. Not a good time to spend money. Health problems. Isolation. Lonely times. Feeling like outsiders. Discovering loyal friends/partners in difficult time. Too proud to ask help.

6. Six of pentacles = solvency in financial matters. Abundance. Charity. Generosity. Sharing wealth. Benevolence. Clearance of debts. Sympathy and kindness. Helping others or receiving help. Receive presents, money or inheritance. A sign not giving a loan because it may not be repaid. Balance of accepting and giving. Good exchange. A good time for a business deal.

7. Seven of pentacles = the waiting card. Waiting for a new job, promotion or increase in salary. Need to continue of hard work and not taking a rest longtime. Promising project/business could fail because of inertia in the present. Need the patience in waiting before being able to see the success of your work. Don’t pick and sell your fruits until it well ripen. Keeping day to day tasks and doing routine things to maintain your business. Perseverance. You have finished your work, so it is time to appreciate your work and wait the result. Time to contemplate. Slow progress. You have doubt to continue your project or to abandon it because you haven’t seen the result after all the hard work. Need extended patience.

8. Eight of pentacles = the need of technical/practical skills or labor skills. In job, still in low level or with no patron (work for himself). Strive for the excellence or perfection. Small increase in money. Apprenticeship. Craftsmanship. Training. Education. Hard work. Conscientious study or work. Commitment. Determination in work. Working/learning diligently and rightly. Focused efforts. Need to focus on detail. Focus in a particular project or skill. Your craft skill is advanced.

9. Nine of pentacles = enjoying the success of a hard work. Finally get the job you want or having your own business. Unexpected financial gain or bonuses. Inheritance. Prosperity. Financial independence. No worries about money. Enough money to have a cozy life. Abundance. Self-sufficiency. Good health. Lucky windfall. Comfort life. Taking the rewards of the hard work. Time to take a vacation or to pleasure your self. Indulge yourself.

10. Ten of pentacles = emotional and financial happiness. Abundance outside of your earned money. Family fortunes and inheritances. Using the wealth (abundance) to leave the good legacy. The achievement or success that will have effects in a life time (long time). Need to concentrate in long-term and stability. Family security and comfort. The need to preserve family tradition, name or business. Retirement. Passing family business or family’s house to children. It’s about passing on something to someone. Financial success. Celebration with family/community. Reunion. Team spirit. Harmony. Shared commitment. Get lucky. Indulge others.


Dennis, Maureen (2010). Tarot: The Psychic Journey.

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