Thursday, October 15, 2015

A Study Case: Will I get accepted into that university?

A Study Case: Will I get accepted into that university?

My friend wanted to know if she would get accepted into University A and B. Last year, she already been admitted to university A. But due to a problem, she was not able to attend that university and if she wished to study still in University A, she should re-apply in the next year. The problem was, she was so worried that she would not get accepted into University A anymore. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Signification des Arcanes Mineurs --- Cartes de cour des pentacles

Signification des Arcanes Mineurs --- Cartes de cour des pentacles

Valet des pentacles

Comme un message = messages sur l'argent, la finance, la santé, le travail ou les affaires commerciales. Il est généralement un bon message / une bonne nouvelle.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The SWOT Plus Spread

The SWOT + Spread

SWOT + Spread is a spread that I created to answer the question of my clients/friends when they are not sure about the choice that they will take.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Five Cards Cool Spreads

5 Cards Cool Spreads

These are my five cards cool spreads that I have created and I used them often to answer my clients (friends) questions. These spreads are very flexible and can be used in many types of questions. Check them out and use them :-)

1. Do's and don'ts spread

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Signification des Arcanes Mineurs -- La suite des pentacles

 Signification des Arcanes Mineurs -- La suite des pentacles
Rider-Waite tarot deck
1. As des pentacles = graine de succès. Meilleur travail. Changement financière (au sens positif). Confort matériel. Profit inattendu. Un signe de bonne fortune. Nouvelle opportunité dans le domaine de carrière, argent, santé ou des questions pratiques. Nouvelle chance. Nouvelle prospérité. Statut amélioré. Nouveau départ. Récompenses financiers.

2. Deux des pentacles = nécessité d'équilibrer les nombreuses compétences ou entre deux choses. Garder l'équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée / vie de famille. Multitâche. Trop de responsabilités ou des travails à faire. Besoin d'avoir la priorité et la gestion du temps. Adaptabilité. Des changements soudains secouant la stabilité dans la vie. Besoin d'être prudent dans l’exécution de tâches / projet / entreprise. Imprudent. Ivre. Problèmes financiers / équilibre. Surmenage avec juste peu de résultat.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Minor Arcana Tarot Cards; The Court Card Meanings--- The Suit of Pentacles

The Minor Arcana --- Court Card Meanings --- The Pentacles

Page of pentacles

As a message = messages about money, finance, health, work or business affairs. It is usually a good message/news.

As time and environment = it is time for a development, scholarship, financial opportunity or a new job. Maybe right now you have a hobby, a project or a study plan that you would like to be serious in it. So, this is the right time to set up a realistic plan or actions to achieve your goals or dreams. This is the right moment to have new skills and competences or to master it into advance level. Don’t hesitate to go back to school or to be apprentice again.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Signification des arcanes mineurs --- Cartes de cour des épées

Waite-Rider tarot deck
Signification des arcanes mineurs --- Cartes de cour des épées

Valet de l’épée

Comme un message = message sur l'information, des rumeurs ou des ragots. Ne croyez pas jusqu'à vérifiez la vérité ou la source. Il pourrait y avoir des problèmes compliqués qui doivent être clarifiées. Si vous êtes sur le point de prendre une décision, ne vous précipitez pas jusqu'à vous connaissez les avantages, les inconvénients et les conséquences de votre choix. Regardez plus des renseignements ou demander à d’autres des conseils avant de faire un deal.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Significations des Arcanes Mineurs -- La suite des Epées

Rider-Waite tarot deck
Significations des Arcanes Mineurs -- La suite des Epées

1. As de l'épée = clarté de la pensée, clarté mentale, concentration de la pensé, esprit plus nette et plus claire, projet de l’écriture, équité, justice. Le besoin de parler, de discuter ou d'écrire. Nouvelles idées, pensées, projets ou relation. La nécessité de se concentrer et de simplifier la situation.

2. Deux de l’épée = indécision, impasse, choc des idées ou des mots, pensés doubles, décisions partagées, besoin de faire des compromis. Agent de la paix ou celui de la resolution de conflit. Au milieu de deux partis d'opposition, besoin d'être neutre et impartial. Les émotions et les tensions bloquées.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Zodiac's Reading --- June 2015

Do's : King of pentacles 
Be realistic of what you want. Be realistic in pursuing your dream/project. You already have good competences and skills in certain areas, why don't use these skills to realize it instead of learning something new or taking a risk in the areas that you are not familiar with.
Don'ts : Knight of cups
Don't play with someone's feeling. Don't give false promises if you are not sure you can fulfill it.

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Minor Arcana Tarot Cards; The Suit of Pentacles Meaning.


 1. Ace of pentacles = the seed of success. A better job. Financial change (in positive sense). Material comfort. Sudden profit. A sign of good fortune. New opportunity in the area of career, money, health or practical matters. New luck. New prosperity. Improved status. Fresh start. (Financial) rewards.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Minor Arcana Tarot Cards; The Court Cards Meanings --- The Suit of Swords.

Hermes Fortune Tarot Deck

Court Cards Meanings – The Swords


Page of Swords

As a message = message about information, rumors or gossips. Don’t believe it until you check the truth or source. It could be complicated issues that need to be clarified. If you about to take a decision don’t rush into it until you know the pros, cons and consequences of your choice. Look more information or asking advice from others before you make a deal.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Review of Hermes Fortune Tarot Deck

Review of Hermes Fortune Tarot Deck 

This is my first deck that I bought. It came with its guide book.  The cards are not big, easy to handle and to shuffle. The pictures in the tarot cards are more less have the same description or meaning as the Waite Rider tarot deck, but in modern style. But there is one card that has very different picture (thus meanings of course) than the standard Waite Rider; which is 9 cups (you can see for yourself in the pictures).

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Signification des arcanes mineurs -- Cartes de Cour des Bâtons

Golden Tarot by Liz Dean
Signification de Cartes de Cour des Bâtons

Valet du Bâton

Comme un message: un message sur la carrière, le voyage, la passion ou les choses spirituelles. Il pourrait être de bonnes nouvelles ou tout simplement une rumeur

Comme le temps et l'environnement: il est temps pour une nouvelle relation (d’amitié ou de romans), nouvelle entreprise / innovation, un nouvel apprentissage ou une nouvelle carrière.

Significations des Arcanes Mineurs -- La suite des Bâtons

Arcanes Mineurs – La Suite des Bâtons

Rider Waite deck

1. As du bâton = nouveaux commencements, nouvelles idées, nouvelles opportunités, nouveaux emplois ou projets passionnants, nouvelle création, nouvelle passion, nouvelle inspiration, nouvelle puissance et nouvelle énergie. Il signifie que quelque chose d'excitant sur le point de commencer

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Minor Arkana Tarot Cards; The Suit of Swords Meaning (Ace-10)..

Hermes Fortune Tarot
The Minor Arcana --- The Suit of Swords Meanings

1. Ace of swords = clarity of thought, mental clarity, mind focus, sharper and clearer mind, writing project, fairness, justice. The need to talk, discuss or write. New ideas, thoughts, project or relationship. The need to focus and simplify the situation.

2. Two of swords = indecision, stalemate, clash of ideas or words, double minds, split decisions, need to compromise. Agent of peace or conflict resolution, in the middle of two opposition parties, need to be neutral and impartial. Blocked emotions and tension.

Monday, April 20, 2015

The Minor Arcana Tarot Card; Court Cards Meanings--The Suit of Wands. Kartu Tarot Arkana Minor; Arti Kartu Court--The Suit of Wands.

Hermes Fortune Tarot
Court Cards Meanings – The Wands
Page of Wands

As a message: message about career, travel, your passion or spiritual things. It could be good news or just a gossip

As time and environment: it’s a time for new relationship (friendship or romances), new venture/innovation, new learning or career

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Minor Arcana Tarot Card; The Suit of Wands Meaning (Ace-10). Kartu Tarot Arkana Minor; Arti The Suit of Wands (Ace-10).

Hermes Fortune Tarot

1. Ace of wands = new beginnings, new ideas, new opportunities, new exciting jobs or projects, new creation, new passion, new inspiration, new power and new energy. It’s about something exciting about to begin.

2. Two of wands = it’s about making a good or intuitive choice in which you have the passion and energy to do it. Choose the best path. Choose only the single focus if you don’t have much energy to follow many passions. Contemplation, negotiation and/ or preparation would be needed. It’s about making decision and/or planning about the future. It is time to discover and to progress.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Signification des Arcanes Mineurs --- Cartes de Cour des Coupes

Golden Tarot by Liz Dean

Signification de Cartes de Cour des Coupes


 Valet des Coupes


Comme un message: messages sur une question de cœur ou de la famille, nouvelles sur le mariage, l'engagement ou la grossesse
Comme le temps et l’environnement: nouvelles émotions, sentiments ou relation. L'amour est au stade de l'amour adolescente. Ca peut aussi le début d’un projet artistique.
Comme personne (enfant-like): ils sont les rêveurs, la tête dans les nuages, ils donnent rarement l'attention. Ils ont la bonne imagination et les compétences artistiques, mais ils peuvent laisser leur imagination s'enfuient avec eux. Ils sont très romantiques, gentils et doux.
Mauvais côté: Ils peuvent être trop sensibles, immatures et vulnérables. Ou ils peuvent être égoïstes, paresseux et aiment de dire des mensonges ou faire les commérages

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Minor Arcana Tarot Cards; Court Cards Meanings – The Suit of Cups. Kartu Tarot Arkana Minor; Arti Kartu Court - The Suit of Cups.

Court Cards Meanings – The Cups

Page of Cups

As a message: message about emotions, loves or family concern, news about marriage, engagement or pregnancy.

As time and environment: new emotions, feeling or relationship. Love is at the stage of teenage love or crushes. It is also the beginning of artistic project.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Significations des Arcanes Mineurs -- La Suite des Coupes


Rider-Waite tarot deck
1. As de coupes = nouvelle relation, nouvelle idée de créativité ou de projet, fertilité, joie, amour, compassion, mariage,  naissance

2. Deux de coupes= partenariat, relation, engagement, connexion, communication, compatibilité, attraction mutuelle, union, confiance, réconciliation

Friday, March 27, 2015

The Minor Arcana Tarot Cards; The Suit of Cups Meaning (Ace-10). Kartu Tarot Arkana Minor; Arti The Suit of Cups (Ace-10).

Hermes Fortune Tarot
1. Ace of cups = new relationship, new creativity idea or project, fertility, joy, love, compassion, marriage, birth

2. Two of cups = partnership, relationship, connection commitment, communication, compatibility, mutual attraction, union, trust, reconciliation

Monday, March 23, 2015

Signification des Arcanes Majeurs

Arcanes Majeurs – Les Significations (Le Fou - Le Monde) 

Golden Tarot by Liz Dean
0. Le Fou = nouveaux commencements, libre des fardeaux et des soucis, prendre des risques, naïveté, innocente, impulsif, stupide, optimiste, aventureux, insouciant 

1. Les Magicien = avoir des capacités et des compétences, pouvoir d'agir et mettre en œuvre, confiance en soi, concentré, diplomatique, bonnes compétences en communication, manipulateur

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Major Arcana Tarot Card Meaning (X-XXI). Arti Kartu Tarot Arkana Mayor (X-XXI).

Major Arcana (10-21) – The Meanings (Wheel of Fortune–The World)

10. Wheel of Fortune = unexpected luck, change, ups and downs, cycles, destiny, fate, karma

11. Strength = strength, compassion, courage, inner power, soft power to influence others, self control, self-confidence, perseverance, patience, love animals

Major Arcana Meanings Tarot Cards (0-IX). Arti Kartu Tarot Arkana Mayor (0-IX).

Major Arcana (0-9) – The Meanings (TheFool –The Hermit)

0. The Fool = new beginnings, free of burdens and worries, taking risks, naive, innocent, impulsive, foolishness, optimist, adventurous, recklessness

1. The Magician = have skills and competences, have power to act and implement, self-confidence, focused, diplomatic, good communication skills, manipulator

2. The High Priestess = intuition, knowledge, secret, sixth sense, revelation, truth, illumination, subconscious, mystery

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Que peut faire Tarot pour vous? Que Tarot ne peut pas faire pour vous?

Signification de mots  de Tarot

"Un jeu de cartes qui est utilisé pour la divination, l'auto-assistance, le développement de l'intuition ainsi que la croissance spirituelle et psychique».

Comment  Tarot fonctionne-t-il?

Tarot peut capturer votre énergie actuelle sur la situation qui sert en tant que l'arrière fond de votre question. Tarot alors peut révéler votre sentiment et pensé subconscient concernant votre problème posé dans la dispersion de cartes choisi. Souvent, nous avons l'instinct subtil de la réponse de nos questions et de ce que sera le résultat probable si nous préférons une approche plutôt qu'une autre. Mais notre pensé occupée, environnement trépidant, dépendance à la technologie, etc., nous rend insensibles ; alors nous ignorons notre instinct profond.

Friday, March 20, 2015

What can and cannot tarot do for you? Apa yang tarot bisa dan tidak bisa lakukan untuk kamu?

 Meaning the word of Tarot
"A deck of cards that is used for divination, self-help, development of intuition as well as spiritual and psychic growth"-- Theresa Cheung

How does Tarot works?

Tarot can capture your present energy about the situation that serves as the background of your question.  Tarot then can and will reveal your subconscious feeling and mind about your asked problem into the cards spread chosen.  Often, we have the subtle instinct about the answer of our questions and what will be the probable result if we take an approach rather than another one.  But our busy mind, hectic environment, addiction to technology, etc. makes us insensitive person hence those lead our instinct unheard or ignored.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Apprendre à lire Tarot efficacement

 Qu’est ce que le Tarot ?

Tarot est un jeu de cartes qui existent déjà depuis l'époque de la Renaissance en Europe. Chaque paquet de cartes est constitué de 78 cartes; 22 cartes sont les cartes d’arcanes majeurs et 56 cartes sont les cartes d’arcanes mineurs.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tips cara belajar tarot yang mudah. Trick to learn tarot easily.

Apa sih tarot itu?

Tarot adalah permainan kartu yang sudah ada sejak zaman Renaissance di Eropa. Tiap deck kartu tarot ada 78 kartu terdiri dari 22 kartu Major Arcana dan 56 kartu Minor Arcana. 

Bagaimana cara belajar membaca tarot yang efektif ?

Kalau harus menghapal arti dari 78 kartu –dimana tiap referensi punya versi masing-masing—pasti bikin patah semangat. Untuk lebih cepat mengerti arti dari masing-masing kartu, sebaiknya kita mengerti dulu “framework” tarot secara garis besar. Yuk kita mulai.

Kartu Major Arcana

The Major Arcana (rahasia besar) terdiri dari 22 kartu. Tiap deck bisa memberi nama yang berbeda-beda pada tiap kartu Major. Namun biasanya 22 kartu major Arcana adalah: 0) The Fool, 1) The Magician, 2) The High Priestess, 3) The Empress, 4) The Emperor, 5) The Hierophant, 6) The Lovers, 7) The Chariot, 8) Strength, 9) The Hermit, 10) Wheel of Fortune, 11) Justice, 12) The Hanged Man, 13) Death, 14) Temperance, 15) The Devil, 16) The Tower, 17) The Star, 18) The Moon, 19) The Sun, 20) Judgement and 21) The World. Biasanya kartu diberi nomor dengan huruf Romawi. 

Kartu Major Arcana melambangkan tahap – tahap penting dalam kehidupan kita; dari yang “bodoh” dan “experimental” (dilambangkan oleh The Fool) sampai kita mencapai keberhasilan dan menyelesaikan tujuan kita (dilambangkan oleh The World). Kartu Major Arcana memberikan petunjuk tentang sesuatu hal (tergantung dari arti kartu) yang efeknya bisa “merubah kehidupan” seseorang dan sifatnya jangka panjang.  Biasanya melambangkan “force majeure” atau hal-hal yang di luar kuasa kita.

Kartu Minor Arcana

Kartu Minor Arcana (rahasia kecil) terdiri dari 56 kartu, terbagi dalam 4 suit, masing-masing suit terdiri dari 14 kartu; 10 kartu  yang diberi nomor 1 (Ace) sampai 10 dan 4 kartu court. Kartu court adalah King, Queen, Knight and Page. Empat suit tersebut adalah 1) cups/fountains 2)batons/wands/rods/staves, 3) swords dan 4) pentacles/disks/coins.

Tiap suit berhubungan dengan elemen yang berbeda-beda dan merupakan melambangkan aspek kehidupan sehari-hari. Kartu Minor Arcana lebih menekankan hal-hal yang sifatnya praktis dalam hidup dan berhubungan dengan masalah-masalah aktual, yang efeknya hanya sementara dan kurang berpengaruh.

The suit of cups berhubungan dengan elemen air –melambangkan emosi, cinta, hubungan, romansa, perasaan, kreatifitas, imajinasi dan intuisi.

The suit of wands berhubungan dengan elemen api – melambangkan energi, semangat, keinginan, minat, gairah, ide-ide, inspirasi, spiritualitas, rencana, desain dan karir.

The suit of swords berhubungan dengan elemen udara – melambangkan kekuasaan, karakter, prinsip, komunikasi, rasionalitas, pikiran dan intelektualitas

The suit of pentacles berhubungan dengan elemen bumi – melambangkan uang, kondisi finansial, fisik, materi, kepemilikan, karir dan stabilitas

Angka 1-10 di kartu Minor Arkana juga melambangkan tahap kehidupan yang berbeda- beda:

1.      Permulaan, kesempatan, ide dan inspirasi

2.      Pilihan, keseimbangan, dualitas, partnership, asimilasi dan persetujuan

3.      Kreatifitas, fertilitas, pertumbuhan dan pencapaian awal

4.      Struktur, fondasi, stabilitas dan stagnasi

5.      Konflik, tantangan, adaptasi, perubahan dan ketidakstabilan

6.      Berbagi, dukungan, pengetahuan, harmoni dan belas kasih

7.      Cobaan, godaan, observasi dan kebijaksanaan

8.      Kemajuan, kegigihan, pergerakan dan re-evaluasi

9.      Kesadaran diri, integritas, penyelesaian, hasil dan "hampir selesai"

10.    Memetik hasil, pencapaian, keberhasilan, akhir dari suatu siklus dan pembaruan

Kartu court biasanya melambangkan orang termasuk kita sendiri, pikiran kita dan orang-orang dalam kehidupan kita. Tetapi kartu court bisa juga melambangkan situasi, lingkungan atau tingkah-laku di beberapa kasus.

1.  The Pages berhubungan dengan pembawa pesan, kreatifitas, inspirasi, anak-anak (seperti anak-anak), keterbukaan dan mengambil resiko

2.  The Knights berhubungan dengan energi, aksi, vitalitas, determinasi, perjalanan, petualangan, agresifitas dan tujuan

3.   The Queens berhubungan dengan hal-hal yang bersifat keibuan, otoritas matriarkal, feminitas, penyediaan, daya tarik dan pengasuhan/pemeliharaan

4.   The Kings berhubungan dengan hal-hal yang bersifat kebapakan, otoritas partiarkal, status, kontrol, dominasi, maskulinitas, manajemen dan kemampuan

Setelah mengetahui garis besar tentang Tarot, tentunya akan lebih mudah mempelajari dan mengerti arti dari 78 kartu tarot. Dengan begitu banyaknya referensi, pilihlah arti- arti yang kamu merasa « klik » dengannya dan gampang mengingatnya. Untuk lebih mudah « menghapal » arti dari kartu, hubungkan arti dengan gambar di setiap kartu tarot. Gunakan imajinasi dan intuisimu untuk membaca kartu tarot. Membaca kartu tarot tidak harus sesuai dengan arti di referensi atau buku. 

Practice makes perfect. Cara paling cepat untuk “menghapal” arti kartu adalah dengan sering “meramal” dengan kartu tarot.  “Membaca” diri sendiri dengan kartu tarot adalah cara yang paling mudah karena kamu tentunya sudah mengenal diri sendiri. Tidak masalah jika kamu membolak-balik buku atau “mencontek” referensi setiap kali “meramal”; selama masih latihan. Gunakan cards spread atau tebaran kartu yang mudah dulu untuk latihan; tebaran 1 kartu atau 3 kartu yang simple juga bisa “menyingkap” banyak hal lho.


What is Tarot? Tarot is a deck of playing cards that already exist since the Renaissance era in Europe. Each deck consists of 78 cards; 22 cards are the Major Arcana cards and 56 cards are Minor Arcana cards.

How to learn reading Tarot effectively?

If you have to memorize the meaning of 78 cards where each reference or book has its version, of course it will make you discouraged. To be able to understand the meaning of each card, first, you should understand the outline of tarot.  Let's get started.

The Major Arcana cards

The Major Arcana (the big secret) consists of 22 cards. Each deck can give different names on each Major Arcana card. But usually 22 Major Arcana cards are: 0) The Fool, 1)The Magician, 2) The High Priestess, 3)The Empress, 4)The Emperor, 5)The Hierophant, 6) The Lovers, 7) The Chariot, 8) Strength, 9)The Hermit, 10) Wheel of Fortune, 11) Justice, 12) The Hanged Man, 13) Death, 14) Temperance, 15) The Devil, 16) The Tower, 17) The Star, 18) The Moon, 19) The Sun, 20) Judgment and 21) The World. Usually these cards are numbered with Roman letters.

The Major Arcana cards symbolize the stage the important stages in our lives; from the "stupid" and "experimental" (denoted by The Fool) until we reach the success and finish our goal (symbolized by the World). The Major Arcana cards provide clues about things (depend on the meaning of the card) that have life-changing effect in a person life this effect is for long-term. Moreover they usually symbolize "force majeure" or things that are beyond our control.

The Minor Arcana cards

The Minor Arcana (the small secret) consists of 56 cards, divided into four suits, each suit consists of 14 cards; 10 cards that are numbered from 1 (Ace) to 10 and 4 court cards. The court cards are King, Queen, Knight and Page. The four suits are 1) cups / fountains, 2) batons / wands / rods / staves, 3) swords and 4) pentacles / disks / coins.

Each suit is associated with different elements and it symbolizes the daily life aspects. The Minor Arcana cards emphasize the things that are practical in life and usually they are dealing with actual problems; where the effect is only temporary and less influential.

The Suit of Cups is associated with the element of water –it symbolizes emotion, love, relationships, romance, feelings, creativity, imagination and intuition.

The suit of wands is associated with the element of fire it symbolizes energy, passion, desires, interests, ideas, inspiration, spirituality, plan, design and careers.

The suit of swords is associated with the element of air it symbolizes power, character, principles, communication, rationality, mind and intellect

The suit of Pentacles is associated with the element of earth it symbolizes money, financial condition, physical, material, ownership, career and stability.

The numbers from 1 to 10 in The Minor Arcana also symbolize different life stages:

1.New beginning , opportunities, ideas and inspiration
2. Options, balance, duality, partnership, assimilation and agreement
3. Creativity, fertility, growth and initial achievement
4. Structure, foundation, stability and stagnation
5. Conflict, challenge, adaptation, change and instability
6. Sharing, support , knowledge, harmony and compassion
7. Trials, temptations, observation and wisdom
8. Progress, persistence, movement, re-evaluation
9. Self-awareness, integrity , settlement, fruition and nearing completion
10. Reaping results, achievement, success, completion, end of a cycle and renewal

The court cards usually symbolize people, including ourselves, our thoughts and people in our lives. But the court cards could also symbolize the situation, environment or behavior in some cases.

1. The Pages are related to messenger, children (children – like behavior), creativity, inspiration, openness and taking risks
2. The Knights are related to energy, action, vitality, determination, travel, adventure, aggression and purpose
3. The Queens are related to motherhood, matriarchal authority, feminity, provision, attractiveness and care
4.  The Kings are related to fatherhood, patriarchal authority, status, control, dominance, masculinity, management and competence

After knowing the outline of the Tarot, it will be easier to learn and understand the meaning of 78 tarot cards. With so many references, you should choose the meaning that makes sense for you and that you feel “the connection” with it and easy to remember. To memorize the meaning of the card easier, connect the meaning of the card with the images in each card. Use your imagination and intuition to read tarot cards. In reading the tarot cards you don’t have to have the same interpretation with the meaning in your references or books.

Practice makes perfect. The fastest way to "memorize" the meaning of the card is by reading the tarot as often as possible. "Reading" yourself with the tarot card is the easiest way because you surely know yourself well. It doesn’t matter if you flip the cards meaning through the book or take a glimpse at a reference every time reading with the tarot as long you still in the phase of exercise. You could use the simple card spreads to train yourself; the simple 1 card or 3 card spreads can also "expose" a lot of things.
